Thursday, 16 February 2012

Famous Car Brand Logos – Evolution in UK!!

The UK automotive industry developed its roots way back in the 18th century and is dominated mostly by luxury and sports car brands. It has a rich heritage of famous brands each with a memorable logo design history of its own. Some of the iconic ones include Aston Martin, Bentley, McLaren and Rolls Royce.

But in recent times, especially since the late 80s, the UK automotive industry has faced the dilemma of becoming foreign-owned brands. With the likes of UK car brands like Bentley, Jaguar and Rolls Royce being owned by foreign companies like BMW, TATA and GM. Still, births cars have always had consistent representation in auto racing (McLaren).

Aston Martin Logo Evolution:


Rolls Royce Logo Evolution: 



Cars, Trucks and Vans Logo Design Examples

If you are in tension because of this, then shun all your tension and leave all your worries behind. Selecting a perfect logo design for vehicles can be difficult but is not impossible. The best way to get logo design idea about your vehicle’s logo is that check out as many cars, trucks and vans logo design examples on the internet as possible. While going through the examples, you should analyze the importance of a logo design against the theme of the product or company.